
发布时间:2017/03/30 来源:必赢437官方网站


教授,博士,博士生导师。1998年前往美国The University of Akron大学机械系攻读固体力学博士学位,2001年获颁“John F. Harvey Pressure Vessel Medal” 奖章2002年获博士学位。现为中国力学学会会员,广东省仪器仪表学会秘书长,广州欧美同学会理事,广东省力学学会常务理事,必赢437官方网站欧美同学会理事。国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,四川省科学技术奖励评审专家,广东省自然科学基金同行评议专家。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家基金重大项目子课题,广东省自然科学基金,教育部留学人员回国基金项目等多项。近年来,以第一作者和/或通讯作者在国际著名期刊以及国内权威期刊发表SCI论文近40篇。发表论文被SCI他引近500次。授权发明专利5项,其中2项发明专利实现转化。主持完成的科研项目获得2016-2017中国石油和化工自动化行业科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)。

联系电话:020-85222582 2024








19989月—20025美国The University of Akron博士





  • 弹性力学(全英教学)

  • 现代数学(博士课程)

  • 高等弹性力学(研究生课程)

  • Matlab

  • 土木工程专业英语


  1. 弹性结构非线性问题的渐进解法。必赢437官方网站普通教材项目,主持(2019-2021)。

  2. 暨大-飞胜 工程力学校外实践教学基地建设。必赢437官方网站产学研合作协同育人项目--大学生校外实践教学基地建设项目,主持(2018-2019)。

  3. 必赢437官方网站工程力学专业教学团队建设,必赢437官方网站教学本科教学团队建设项目,项目负责人,2019。


  • 2017年必赢437官方网站第七届本科课程全英语教学竞赛二等奖。

  • 2005年被评为必赢437官方网站优秀本科生导师。

  • 指导的硕士研究生先后获2017201820192020年国家政府奖学金奖励。

  • 指导的本科毕业论文获全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕业论文在线展示交流B类优秀论文。



  • 复材板壳结构之静力与动力稳定性

  • 流固耦合效应对深海夹层管道的整体性能的影响

  • 具缺陷复合材料层合结构多场耦合作用的失效机理分析

  • 智能材料与结构的非线性力学分析

  • 微纳米板壳结构的静动力学性分析

  • 电梯曳引系统的时变动力性能分析

  • -电耦合作用下介电软物质的结构稳定性分析


  1.  内嵌SMA智能复合结构的自驱动非线性弯曲机理与强度问题,广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515012037),主持(2021-2023)。

  2. 含损伤复合材料层合结构在湿--机械力多场耦合作用下的非线性力学性能分析. 广东省自然科学基金项目(2017A030313013),主持(2017-2020)。

  3. 深海管中管复合结构稳定性与屈曲传播的非线性力学研究。国家自然科学基金项目(11172113,主持(2012-2015)。

  4. 纤维增强复合材料和结构的强度理论。国家自然科学基金重点项目“纤维增强先进复合材料及其结构失效机理的多尺度力学研究”(11032005)2级子课题—1,主持(2011-2013)。

  5. 被腐蚀管道受弯矩作用的结构失效分析。广东省自然科学基金项目(5300452),主持(2006.12007.12)。

  6. 非均匀厚度柱形薄壳受弯矩作用的结构整体性能分析及其在海底被腐蚀管道中的应用。教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,主持(2006.12007.12)。

  7. 弹性结构非线性问题的渐进解法。必赢437官方网站普通教材项目,主持(2019-2021)。

  8. 腐蚀对受弯矩作用管道结构失效的影响。必赢437官方网站引进优秀人才科研启动基金项目,主持(20042006)。

  9. 复合材料薄壁加筋结构动强度设计准则研究。必赢437官方网站与北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所横向合作项目。主持2020.03-2021.03


  • 海洋油管结构和材料失效的非线性理论与加固技术。2016-2017中国石油和化工自动化行业科学技术奖励,科技进步二等奖,2016-2017,项目负责人。

  • 复杂环境中板壳结构失效的非线性理论。2020年度广东省力学学会科技奖励,自然科学一等奖项目负责人。

  • 压力管道结构失效的核心理论与关键测试技术。2021年度广东省仪器仪表学会科技奖励。科技进步一等奖。项目负责人。

  • 2001年获得美国阿卡隆大学 颁发的The John F. Harvey Pressure Vessel Award奖章。

  • 1999年获得美国Tau Beta Pi协会会员资格。

  • 论文“Perturbation analysis for multiscale deformations of delaminated composites”获得第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会“优秀论文”奖。

  • 论文“一种海底夹层管道弯曲与屈曲的剪切变形理论”或2017年中国石油和化工自动化行业学会科技奖励—优秀论文一等奖。


  1. 薛江红,许鹏,彭启凤,李善倾。一种电梯钢丝绳相对滑移量的测量方法。专利号ZL201911389968.7(已授权)

  2. 薛江红,许鹏,彭启凤,李善倾。一种电梯轿厢自由振动阻尼测试方法。专利号ZL201911389219.4(已授权)

  3. 薛江红,梁浩锋,金福松,夏飞。一种基于板壳理论的深海管道屈曲传播压力的计算方法。ZL202010022142.3(已授权)

  4. 薛江红,姚思诗,何赞航,夏飞。一种海洋管道自振固有频率的计算方法。ZL202011132180.0(已授权)

  5. 薛江红,金福松,夏飞,梁浩锋。一种含脱层复合材料层合结构剩余承载强度的计算方法。ZL202010021710.8 (已授权)

  6. 薛江红,林积新,袁鸿。一种海底夹层管道屈曲压力与屈曲长度的计算方法。(公开号CN117195329A

  7. 薛江红,赵晨,袁鸿,林积新,李泽嵘。一种高温金属管的蠕变屈曲载荷计算方法、装置及设备。(公开号:CN116882181A

公开发表论文 (*为通讯作者)


  1. Jixin Lin, Zerong Li, Zhihua Ning, Jianghong Xue*, Fei, Xia*. On the mechanism of the post buckling and the initiation of a propagating buckle in sandwich pipelines based on shear deformation theory. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2025;39(2).  

  2. Jihang Feng, Yongfu Wu , Jianghong Xue*, Jixin Lin*. Dynamic stability analysis of laminated cylindrical shells considering fluid–structure interaction. Composite Structures 2024;340:118183.

  3. Fusong Jin,* Gang Xu, Jianghong Xue. Nonlinear flutter analysis of SMAHC beams under thermo-fluid-solid coupling field. Thin-Walled Structures 2024; 202:112116.

  4. Jie Sun, Peng Xu, Mingli Chen, Jianghong Xue*. Forced Vibration of Time-Varying Elevator Traction System. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2024;70(3-4): 170-180.

  5. Fusong Jin, Chen Zhao, Peng Xu, Jianghong Xue*, Jixin Lin. Nonlinear vibration of SMA hybrid composite beams actuated by embedded pre-stretched SMA wires with tension-bending coupling effect. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2024; 568: 117964.

  6. Fei Xia ,*, Zikun Wang, Yi Wang, Heqing Liu and Jianghong Xue. Post-Buckling Response of Carbon/Epoxy Laminates with Delamination under Quasi-Static Compression: Experiments and Numerical Simulations. Materials 2024, 17, 5047.

  7. Peng Xu, Qifeng Peng,·Fusong Jin,· Jianghong Xue*, Hong Yuan*. Theoretical and experimental study on tension–torsion coupling vibration for time-varying elevator traction system. 2023;36:899–913.

  8. Chen Zhao, Ying Xiong, Yixuan Liu, Jianghong Xue*, Peng Xu**. Creep buckling of long-term-serving super-heating pipes in boilers subjected to high temperature loading. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2022;200:104822.

  9. Fusong Jin,ChenZhao, PengXu, Jianghong Xue*, FeiXia*. Nonlinear eccentric bending and buckling of laminated cantilever beams actuated by embedded pre-stretched SMA wires. Composite Structures 2022;284:115211.

  10. Sishi Yao,Yaqian Zhang, Jianghong Xue*, Fusong Jin*, Zanhang He. Free vibration of non-shallow, laminated cylinders submerged in a fluid with general boundary conditions. Applied Ocean Research 2022;125:103232.

  11. Yongfu Wu, Chen Zhao, Haofeng Liang, Sishi Yao, Jianghong Xue*, Peng Xu. Free vibration of composite cylindrical shells with orthogonal stiffeners. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2022;60(2):239-252.

  12. Peng Xu, Qifeng Peng, Fusong Jin, Fei Xia, Jianghong Xue*, Hong Yuan*, Shanqing Li. Experimental study on damping characteristics of elevator traction system. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2022;14(3):1-12

  13. Fei Xia, Jianghong Xue*, Zanhang He, Sishi Yao, Fusong Jin, Hong Yuan*. Buckling and post-buckling of delaminated Reissner-Mindlin panels subjected to hygro-thermal- mechanical multi-field loading. Thin-Walled Structures 2021;162:107583.

  14. Zanhang He, Jianghong Xue*, Sishi Yao, Yongfu Wu, Fei Xia. A size-dependent model for shear deformable laminated micro-nano plates based on couple stress theory. Composite Structures 2021;259:113457  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113457

  15. Qifeng Peng, Peng Xu, Hong Yuan*, Haixia Ma, Jianghong Xue, Zhenya He and Shanqing Li. Analysis of Vibration Monitoring Data of Flexible Suspension Lifting Structure Based on Time-Varying Theory. Sensors 2020;20:6586.

  16. Fusong Jin, Peng Xu, Fei Xia, Haofeng Liang, Sishi Yao, Jianghong Xue*. Buckling of composite laminates with multiple delaminations: Part I Theoretical and numerical analysis.  Composite Structures 2020; 250: 112491

  17. Zhipeng Zhu, Peng Yang, Fei Xia, Fusong Jin, Haofeng Liang, Zanhang He, Jianghong Xue*. Buckling of composite laminates with multiple delaminations: Part II Experiments. Composite Structures 2020:247-112498.

  18. Jianghong Xue*, Fusong Jin, Jianwen Zhang, Ping Li, Fei Xia, Jiachu Xu, Renhuai Liu, Hong Yuan*. Post-buckling induced delamination propagation of composite laminates with bi-nonlinear properties and anti-penetrating interaction effects. Composites Part B 166 (2019) 148–161

  19. Fei Xia, Fang Jian, Zhipeng Zhu, Ping Li, Haofeng Liang, Fusong Jin,Jianghong Xue*. A modified first order shear deformation theory for Reissner-Mindlin composite panels with internal delamination. Composite Structures 2019:224 -110935

  20. Haofeng Liang,  Jiahui Zhou,  Jixin Lin,  Fusong Jin,  Fei Xia,  Jianghong Xue*,  Jiachu Xu*. Buckle Propagation in Steel Pipes of Ultra-high Strength: Experiments, Theories and Numerical Simulations. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2020;33(4): 546–563

  21. Mu Chen, ·Jianghong Xue*, Ping Li, ·Fusong Jin. Orthotropic analysis of steel deck–girder–rib systems subjected. International Journal of Steel Structures 2019;19(3):1010–1022.

  22. Jianghong Xue*, Fei Xia, Jianwen Zhang, Shuhua Chen, Ying Xiong, Zuyuan Tan, Renhuai Liu, Hong Yuan, Jun Ye. Multiscale studies on the nonlinear vibration of delaminated composite laminates -- global vibration mode with micro buckles on the interfaces. Sci. Reports 2017.

  23. Jianghong Xue*, Yiou Wang, Ding Yuan. A shear deformation theory for bending and buckling of undersea sandwich pipes. Compo. Struct. 2015;132:633-643.

  24. Mingqiao Tang, Jianghong Xue*, Renhuai Liu. A Global Energy Approach for Analysis of a Propagating Buckle in Submarine Pipelines. ASME J Offshore Mech & Arctics Eng. 2014;136:041701-1—041701-8.  

  25. Mingqiao Tang, Jianghong Xue*, Hong Yuan, Renhuai Liu. Macro-micro Analysis for Anti-penetrating Postbuckling of T300/QY8911 Carbon Fiber Reinforced, Deboned Laminates with Contact Effects. I J Appl. Mech. 2014;6(4): 1450044-1—1450044-24.    

  26. Jianghong Xue*, Neng Gan. A comprehensive study on a propagating buckle in externally pressurized pipelines.  J Mech Sci Tech  2014; 28 (12): 4907~4919.  

  27. Jianghong Xue*, Ding Yuan, Feng Han, Renhuai Liu. An extension of Karman-Donnell’s theory for non-shallow, long cylindrical shells undergoing large deflection. Europ J Mech- A/Solids, 2013;37: 329-335.   

  28. Jianghong Xue*. Post-Buckling Analysis of the Length of Transition Zone in a Buckle Propagating Pipeline. J Appl Mech-- ASME 2013;80:051002 doi: 10.1115/1.4023535.  

  29. Jianghong Xue*, Qingzi Luo, Feng Han, Renhuai Liu. Two dimensional analyses of delamination buckling of symmetrically cross-ply, rectangular laminates.  Appl Math Mech 2013; 34(5):597-612.

  30. Jianghong Xue*, Li Zi, Hong Yuan, Renhuai Liu. Contact analysis for fiber reinforced, delaminated laminates with kinematic nonlinearity.  Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2013; 26(4): 388-402.   

  31. Jianghong Xue*. Local buckling in infinitely, long cylindrical shells subjected uniform external pressure. Thin-wall Struct 2012;53:211-16.

  32. Jianghong Xue*. Asymptotic Analysis for Buckling of Undersea Corroded Pipelines.  ASME Transaction—Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 2008;130(May)

  33. Jianghong Xue*.  A nonlinear finite element analysis of buckle propagation in subsea corroded pipelines.  Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2006;42(14-15): 1211 – 1219 (Oct. 2006).

  34. Jianghong Xue* and Hoo Fatt, M. S.  Symmetric and anti-symmetric buckle propagation modes in subsea corroded pipelines. Marine Structures 2005;18:43-61.

  35. Jianghong Xue and Hoo Fatt, M.S.* Buckling of a non-uniform, long cylindrical shell subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. Engineering Structures 2002;24: 1027–1034.

  36. Jianghong Xue and Hoo Fatt, M. S*. Buckle propagation in pipelines with non-uniform thickness. Ocean Engineering 2001;28(10): 1383-1392 (OCT 2001).

  37. Jianghong Xue and Hoo Fatt, M. S*.  Post-buckling of a non-uniform ring subjected to uniform external pressure. Thin-walled Structures 2001;39: 327–351.

  38. Hoo Fatt, M. S., and Jianghong Xue.  Propagating buckles in corroded pipelines. Marine Structures 2001;14: 571–592.


  1.  张雅倩,刘轶轩,吴泳芙,金福松,薛江红*.反对称铺设复合材料层合板非线性后屈曲分析.应用力学学报2023;40(4):778-787.

  2. 薛江红*,何赞航,夏飞,李泽嵘,金福松,杨鹏.基于偶应力理论微纳米Mindlin板的尺度效应分析. 应用数学和力学2022;43(7):740-751.

  3.  夏飞,薛江红*,何赞航,金福松*. 湿热环境中含脱层复合材料层合板的界面裂纹扩展.北京航空航天大学学报2022;48(12):2460-2472.

  4.  姚思诗, 金福松, 夏飞, 何赞航, 梁浩锋, 薛江红*.多脱层复合材料层合板的固有频率计算. 华南理工大学学报2021;49(5):92-101.

  5.  梁浩锋, 夏飞, 金福松, 石陈玉, 薛江红*. 加筋复合材料层合板的自由振动特性与优化. 振动与冲击2021;40(18):190-196.

  6.  李萍, 金福松, 简方, 夏飞, 薛江红*, 熊颖. 含脱层单向铺设层合梁非线性后屈曲分析. 工程力学2019, 36 (11): 230-240 (EI)

  7.  金福松, 薛江红*, 夏飞, 李萍, 熊颖. 考虑多尺度界面力学特性的损伤复合材料层合板分岔屈曲性能的等代化. 复合材料学报. 2019;36(5):1132-1142. (EI)

  8.  夏飞, 李萍, 金福松, 熊颖, 薛江红*. 含脱层层合板分叉屈曲的宏微观失效机制分析. 应用力学学报. 2019;36 (1) (Feb):28-35.

  9.  熊颖,薛江红*,陈叔华,张建文,夏 飞.考虑界面接触效应的复合材料层合板分层屈曲的三维有限元分析. 机械强度2019;41( 2) :377-382.

  10.  刘人怀*,薛江红*. 复合材料层合板壳非线性力学的研究进展. 力学学报. 2017;49(3).487-506 (EI).

  11. 林积新,薛江红*,陈叔华,张建文. 深海保温输油管后屈曲及屈曲传播的有限元分析. 力学季刊. 2016;37(3):590-598.

  12. 刘述伦,薛江红*,王璠,刘人怀。含脱层纤维增强复合材料层合板在湿热环境下的屈曲分析. 工程力学。2015;32(3):1-8

  13.  刘述伦,薛江红*,王璠. 纤维增强正交各向异性复合材料层合板的湿热屈曲。必赢437官方网站学报(自然科学版),201334卷第5期,489-494

  14.  刘述伦,薛江红*。应力集中圆孔附近的形变场。安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版). 2011;19(4): pp 22-24

  15. Jianghong Xue*. Perturbation Analysis of Instability for Non-uniform Cylindrical Shells with Initial Imperfection. In the Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Mianyang, China, May 23 - 25, 2011. (EI检索)  

  16. Jianghong Xue*. Buckling of pipelines with inconstant corrosion subjected to hydrostatic external pressure. In the Proceedings of 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 23 - 27 2006, Vancouver, Canada. EI 检索)

  17. Hoo Fatt MS., Liu Y and Jianghong Xue*. Steady-State Buckle Propagation in Corroded Pipeline. In the Proceedings of the 10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA, Volume II, 2000, pp. 197-204. ISTP 检索)

  18. Neng Gan, Jianghong Xue*. On the collapse of circular tube under external pressure and axial forceApplied Mechanics and Materials.  2013, vol. (419), pp. 134-139. (EI 收录)   

  19. Yizhou Lin, Jianghong Xue, Mingqiao Tang.  Finite-element analysis of buckle propagation in offshore pipelinesApplied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, vol. ( 488-489), pp 1039-1042   

  20. Mu Chen, J Jianghong Xue*Neng Gan.  Finite element analysis on the redistribution of reaction at support. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014; (602-605):761-764.  

  21. Mu Chen, Jianghong Xue*. Entity analysis of shear lag about grooved beam. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014;(602-605):533-535.   

  22. Mu Chen, Jianghong Xue*. Crack analysis of bridge piers of a rail transit line in Guangzhou city. Advanced Materials Research. 2014; (915-916):137-141.

  23. 薛江红*,夏飞. 基于一阶剪切理论的分层复合材料湿热屈曲的多尺度分析。2018年全国固体力学学术会议集. 2018.11.23-25 哈尔滨。

  24. Jiahui ZhouPeng YangJie SunChenyu ShiJianghong Xue*. Application of matlab to data processing of buckling experiments. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(MSE) (Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials[ICMEM2019], December 20-21, 2019, Guangzhou, China)

  25. Peng YANG, Hao-feng LIANG, Jia-hui ZHOU, Jie SUN, Chen-yu SHI, Jiang-hong XUE*.Creep buckling analysis on petroleum furnace tube subjected to high temperature loading based on ABAQUS. DEStech Transactions: Computer Science and Engineering (2019 4th International Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, December 27-29, Guangzhou, China).


  1. Xia Fei, Xue Jianghong*.  A Reissner–Mindlin model for delaminated composite panels with nonlinear contact effect at the interfaces. 22nd International Conference on Composite Structures and 1st Chinese Conference on Composite Structures. Wuhan, China, 31 Oct – 03 Nov, 2019.

  2. Xia, Fei ; Xue, Jianghong* ; Jin, Fusong ; Liang, Haofeng ; Yuan, Hong A study of hygrothermal effect on buckling and post-buckling behavior of Reissner-Mindlin composite panels with internal delamination. 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures and 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites. Porto, Portugal, 1 – 4 SEP, 2020 (ON LINE)

  3. Xue Jianghong*, Xia Fei. Multi-scale Analysis of Buckling of Laminated Composite Plates Using First-order Shear Deformation Theory. 2018 National Conference on Solid Mechanics, Haerbin, China, Nov 23-25.

  4. Perturbation analysis for multiscale deformations of delaminated laminates. The 3th China International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology. Hangzhou, China, Oct 21-23, 2017.

  5. JianghongXue*, Fusong Jin, Fei Xia, Ping Li. An equivalent substitution model for bending and buckling of delaminated composite laminates with anti‐penetrating contact effects. ICOMP 2018 International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures. Wuhan, China, May 23‐25, 2018.

  6. JianghongXue*. Post buckling of delaminated composite beams with interfacial interactions based on extensible theory. Anequivalent substitution model for bending and buckling of delaminated composite laminates with anti-penetrating contact effects. Paris, France, July 14-22, 2018.

  7. JianghongXue*. Study on the Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of the Delaminated Composite Laminates with the Interfacial Contact Mechanism. The 2nd Academic Conference on Solid Mechanics in Jiangsu and Hubei Provinces. Wuhan, China, April 26-28, 2019.

  8. Jianghong Xue*. Multi-scale Analysis of nonlinear failure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates with delamination. The Chinese Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics -2019 (CCTAM-2019).

  9. ZHU Zhipeng, XUE Jianghong**. Experimental study on buckling of laminated composite strips with internal delamination. The 4th China International Congress on Composite Materials. Zhuhai, China, Nov 28-30, 2019.

  10. Fei Xia, Jianghong Xue*. A Reissner–Mindlin model for delaminated composite panels with nonlinear contact effect at the interfaces. 22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 22) and 1st Chinese Conference on Composite Structures (CCCS1). Wuhan, China, Oct. 22-25, 2019.

  11. Xue J*, Buckling of pipelines with inconstant corrosion subjected to hydrostatic external pressure. In the Proceedings of 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 23 - 27 2006, Vancouver, Canada. (EI收录)

  12. Xue, J.* Perturbation Analysis of Instability for Non-uniform Cylindrical Shells with Initial Imperfection. In the Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Mianyang, China, May 23 - 25, 2011. (EI检索)  

  13. Hoo Fatt MS.*, Liu Y andXue J, Steady-State Buckle Propagation in Corroded Pipeline. In the Proceedings of the 10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA, Volume II, 2000, pp. 197-204. (EI收录)

  14. Jiahui ZhouPeng YangJie SunChenyu ShiJianghong Xue*. Application of matlab to data processing of buckling experiments. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(MSE) (Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials[ICMEM2019], December 20-21, 2019, Guangzhou, China)

  15. Peng YANG, Hao-feng LIANG, Jia-hui ZHOU, Jie SUN, Chen-yu SHI, Jiang-hong XUE*. Creep buckling analysis on petroleum furnace tube subjected to high temperature loading based on ABAQUS. DEStech Transactions: Computer Science and Engineering (2019 4th International Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics, December 27-29, Guangzhou, China).