
发布时间:2017/03/30 来源:必赢437官方网站

匡友弟,男,76年8月生,籍贯湖北武汉,2005年入党。现就职于必赢437官方网站,教授/博导。2007年博士毕业于华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院。2008~2015年期间,先后在香港城市大学、香港理工大学和香港科技大学从事博士后研究。目前学术团队包括博士、硕士研究生共10余人。研究兴趣包括智能超材料与结构、增材制造工艺力学、纳米力学与物理力学。发表文章49篇,Google Scholar他引共计1000余次。代表作发表在Nano Letters(IF=12.3)、Nanoscale(IF=8.3)、Carbon(IF=11.3)、Composites Science and Technology(IF=9.9)、Physical Review B(IF=4.0)等知名学术期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金2项(面上、青年各1项),省自然科学基金面上项目1项;作为项目骨干参与国家级科研项目3项(重大研发计划1项、面上2项)。获得2项省部级奖项。入选2016年度上海高校特聘教授(东方学者),2017年度广东省青年拔尖人才。兼任广东省力学学会青年工作组副主任,广东省振动工程学会监事长。










52015.3-2015.12香港理工大学机械工程系Research Associate


72011.7-2012.7香港理工大学机械工程系Research Associate

82009.7-2011.6香港理工大学机械工程系Postdoctoral Fellow


102007.12-2008.12香港城市大学建筑系Research Associate

112007.5-2007.9香港城市大学建筑系Research Assistant






  1. SCI期刊

  1. H. Wu, S. H. Huang, J. Y. Luo, L. T. He, Y. D. Kuang*. Lattice dynamics models to predict transmission properties of flexural waves in one-dimensional atom chains with defects[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2023, 36(1): 105-115.

  2. C. S. Cheng, Y. B. Xu, C. Y. Xiao, B. Fu*, R. F. Gao*, Y. D. Kuang. Behavior of confined concrete with recycled glass fiber-reinforced polymer needles as coarse aggregates under axial compression[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 71: 106453.

  3. B. Fu, G. T. Xu, W. S. Peng, J. Huang, Q. Zou, Y. D. Kuang. Performance Enhancement of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete by Incorporating with Macro Fibers Processed from Waste Gfrp[J]. Available at SSRN 4370983.

  4. M. Y. Yang, Y. D. Kuang*. Molecular mechanics mechanisms for ultralow bending stiffness of monolayer silicene[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 33: 104387.

  5. Y. B. Li, B. X. Chen, L. H. He, S. Q. Huang, Y. D. Kuang*. Scaling up ultrathin boat-graphane with the non-classical stiffness relation to macroscopic metamaterials[J]. Nanoscale, 2022, 14(34): 12455-12462.

  6. Z. Lin, Y. D. Kuang*, N. Hu. Intrinsic bending stiffness of narrow graphene nanoribbons from quantum mechanics lattice dynamics calculations[J]. Molecular Simulation, 2021, 47(7): 560-564.

  7. Y. D. Kuang*, L. Lindsay, Q. A. Wang, L. H. He. Lattice chain theories for dynamics of acoustic flexural phonons in nonpolar nanomaterials[J]. Physical Review B, 2020, 102(14): 144301.

  8. H. D. Liang, Q. Wang, B. L. Huang, H. M. Yao, L. H. He, Y. D. Kuang*. A strong correlation between the bending rigidity and the length of single-walled carbon nanotubes[J]. Materials today Communications, 2020, 24: 101144.

  9. L.Lindsay*, Y. D. Kuang#(共同第一作者).Effects of functional group mass variance on vibrational properties and thermal transport in graphene[J]. Physical Review B, 2017, 95(12): 121404.

  10. Y. D. Kuang*, L. Lindsay, S. Q. Shi, G. P. Zheng. Tensile strains give rise to strongsize effects for thermal conductivities of silicene, germanene and stanene[J]. Nanoscale, 2016, 8(6): 3760–3767.

  11. Y. D.Kuang, L. Lindsay, S.Q. Shi, X. G. Wang, B. L. Huang*. Thermal conductivity of graphene mediated by strain and size[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 772-778.

  12. R.Q. Guo, X.G. Wang, Y. D. Kuang, B.L. Huang*. First-principles study of anisotropicthermoelectric transport properties of IV-VI semiconductor compounds SnSe and SnS[J]. PhysicalReview B, 2015, 92(11): 115202.

  13. Y.D. Kuang, B.L. Huang*. Effects of covalent functionalization on the thermal transport incarbon nanotube/polymer composites: A multi-scale investigation[J]. Polymer, 2015, 56:563-571.

  14. Y.D. Kuang*, L. Lindsay, B.L. Huang. Unusual enhancement in intrinsic thermalconductivity of multi-layer graphene by tensile strains[J]. Nano Letters, 2015, 15(9):6121-6127.

  15. Y.D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*. Strong mechanical coupling between the carbon nanotube and theinner streaming water flow[J]. Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, 2014,17(6): 1053-1060.

  16. W.C. Liu, Y.D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*. Size effect on mechanical properties of carbonnanotube X-junctions[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2011, 50(10): 3067-3070.

  17. W. C. Liu, Y.D. Kuang, F.Y. Meng, S.Q. Shi*. Temperature effects on mechanical properties ofthe (3,3) carbon nanotube X-junctions[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2010, 49(4):916-919.

  18. Y.D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*, P.K.L. Chan, X.Q. He, C.Y. Chen. Theoretical and experimentalstudies on the electric impedance of active piezoelectric sensors bonded on cracked beams[J].Smart Materials and Structures, 2010, 19(4):045021.

  19. Y. D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*, P.K.L. Chan, C.Y. Chen. A continuum model of the van der Waalsinterface for determining the critical diameter of nanopumps and its application to analysis ofthe vibration and stability of nanopump systems[J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciencesand Numerical Simulation, 2010,11(2):121-133.

  20. Y.D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*, P.K.L. Chan, C.Y. Chen. The effect of intertube van der Waals interaction on the stability of pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes under compression[J].Nanotechnology, 2010, 21(12): 125704.

  21. Y. D. Kuang, S.Q. Shi*, P.K.L. Chan, C. Y. Chen. Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes and boronnitride nanotubes into coaxial structures[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2010, 50(2): 645-650.

  22. Y.D. Kuang, X.Q. He*, C.Y. Chen, G.Q. Li. Buckling of functionalized single-wallednanotubes under axial compression[J]. Carbon, 2009, 47(1):279-285.

  23. Y.D. Kuang, X.Q. He*, C.Y. Chen, G.Q. Li. Modeling and deformation characteristics of acircular beam with asymmetric piezoelectric actuators[J]. Composite Structures, 2009, 9(3): 263-269.

  24. Y.D. Kuang, X.Q. He*, C.Y. Chen, G.Q. Li. Young’s moduli of functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes under tensile loading[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2009, 69(2): 169-175.

  25. X.Q. He, Y.D. Kuang*, C.Y. Chen, G.Q. Li. Enhanced mechanical properties of single- walled carbon nanotubes due to chemical functionalization[J]. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009,21(21): 215301.

  26. Y.D. Kuang, X.Q. He*, C.Y. Chen, G.Q. Li. Analysis of nonlinear vibrations of double-walledcarbon nanotubes conveying fluid[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2009, 45(4): 875-880.

  27. Y.D. Kuang, G.Q. Li*, C.Y. Chen. Admittance function of active piezoelectric elements bonded on a curved cracked beam[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2008,19(2): 181-191.

  28. Y.D. Kuang, G.Q. Li*, C.Y. Chen. The Static responses and displacement control of circularcurved beams with piezoelectric actuators[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2007, 16: 1016-1024.

  29. Y.D. Kuang, G.Q. Li*, C.Y. Chen. An admittance function of active piezoelectric elementsbonded on a cracked beam[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 298(1-2): 393-403.

  30. Y.D. Kuang, G.Q. Li*, C.Y. Chen. Dynamic analysis of actuator-driven circular arch or ringusing impedance elements[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2006, 15(3): 869-876.

  1. 中文期刊

  1. 李阳阳,郭仁杰,李志锐, 温睿, 袁国清, 匡友弟*.浮式转动消能桥船防撞结构有限元仿真分析[J].价值工程,2023,42(19):151-153.

  2. 王庆澳, 黄世清, 匡友弟*. 结构力学课程中研究性思维的培养——以位移法创新为例[J]. 教育科学, 2022, (7): 1-6.

  3. 杨志威 吴昊 匡友弟*. 风荷载下铝板幕墙的全实体有限元数值模拟[J]. 门窗, 2022, (11):11-13.

  4. 周嘉舜, 王璠, 欧姸君, 黄世清, 何陵辉, 匡友弟*. 计算杆件结构的自由度[J]. 力学与实践, 2019, 41(01): 95-98.

  5. 王琳*,匡友弟,黄玉盈,倪樵.输液管振动与稳定性研究的新进展:从宏观尺度到微纳米尺度[J].固体力学学报,2010,31(05):481-495.

  6. 匡友弟,陈传尧,李国清.压电激励圆形曲梁的静态响应及位移控制[J].应用力学学报,2007, 24(03):404-407.

  7. 匡友弟*, 李国清, 陈传尧, 钟伟芳. 基于电阻抗单元的含裂纹智能梁的动态特性[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 34(08): 87-90.

  1. 会议论文

  1. Y. D. Kuang*, B. L. Huang. A Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study of Thermal Transport in Functionalized Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nanocomposites[C]//International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library. Begel House Inc., 2014.

  2. Y. D. Kuang, S. Q. Shi. Velocity analysis of the axial oscillation of water chain in a (6,6) single-walled carbon nanotube[C]//International Conference on Nanotechnology. 2013.

  3. W. C. Liu, Y. D. Kuang, S. Q. Shi. The effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube junctions[C]//The 14th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics & The 7th Shanghai-Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics and Its Application, Hong Kong, 2010.

  4. L. Lindsay, 匡友弟*. 石墨烯表面修饰原子质量对声子热传导的影响[A]. 第十四届全国物理力学学术会议缩编文集[C], 中国力学学会物理力学专业委员会, 2016: 70.

  5. 匡友弟*,L. Lindsay,黄宝琳,石三强. Ⅳ族二维单层系统的声子热传导及应力调控[A]. 第十四届全国物理力学学术会议缩编文集[C], 中国力学学会物理力学专业委员会,2016: 249.

  6. 匡友弟, L. Lindsay. 基于第一性原理的二维石墨烯和氮化硼弯曲刚度计算[A],中国力学大会-2015论文摘要集[C], 中国力学学会,2015: 322.

  7. 李国清, 徐巍, 尹潇然,匡友弟. 压电激励和传感无限梁的振动模型[J], 2009全国压电和声波理论及器件技术研讨会暨2009全国频率控制技术年会论文集. 中国力学学会;中国声学学会;中国宇航学会;中国电子元器件行业协会, 2009: 540-544.

  8. 李国清,陈传尧,匡友弟,胡元太. 压电阻抗传感器探测弹性板中裂纹的可行性研究[A]. 庆祝中国力学学会成立50周年暨中国力学学会学术大会2007论文摘要集(下)[C], 中国力学学会,2007: 381.

  9. 匡友弟, 王卓, 李国清, 陈传尧. 节式压电梁的电阻抗模拟和实验研究[A]. 第二届全国压电和声波理论及器件技术研讨会摘要集[C], 中国力学学会, 2006: 39.

  10. 匡友弟, 李国清*, 陈传尧. 受异相压电激励的环类智能结构的动态分析[A]. 中国力学学会学术大会2005论文摘要集(下)[C], 中国力学学会, 2005: 730.

  1. 其他论文

  1. H. Wu, Y. D. Kuang*. Propagation Characteristics of Flexural Wave in One-Dimensional Phononic Crystals Based on Lattice Dynamics Model[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2022, 10(5):1416-1431.

  2. K. P. Ouyang, Y. D. Kuang*. Quantitative Simulation Study of Metal Additive Manufacturing by Kinetic Monte Carlo[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2022, 10(5):1587-1601.









1Dynamic analysis of actuator-driven circular arch or ring using impedance elements,湖北省科学技术厅,自然科学,三等奖,2008匡友弟;李国清)

