
发布时间:2017/01/30 来源:必赢437官方网站


主要从事微纳米薄膜力学、微纳米力学与仿生力学、复合材料及结构多尺度力学、核电设备安全风险评估等领域的研究。已发表学术论文三十余篇。主持或参与完成国家级、省部级和横向课题30余项。中国力学学会青年工作委员会委员、中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会断裂与疲劳专业组成员、中华医学会整形外科学分会数字化学组委员、广东省力学学会生物力学专业委员会副主任、广东省力学学会青年工作委员会委员、International Journal of Mechanics Research期刊编委。2009年被评为必赢437官方网站理工学院“科技新秀”,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。

















东莞广泽汽车饰件有限公司委托项目,车型AL零部件cup holder的拔脱力计算,2015/07-2015/08,已结题,项目主持;






















1. 期刊论文:

Song Z., Wang X., Lv C., An Y., Liang M., Ma T., He D., Zheng Y.J., Huang S.Q., Yu H., Jiang H., Kirigami-Based Stretchable Lithium-Ion Batteries, Scientific Reports, 2015, doi:10.1038/srep10988.(SCI&EI收录)

Fan H.L., Chen H.L., Zheng J.J., Jiang Y.F., Huang S.Q., Dynamic compression failure mechanisms and dynamic effects of integrated woven sandwich composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 2013, doi: 10.1177/00219983 12473859.(SCI&EI收录)

Mai W.J., Zhang L., Gu Y.D., Huang S.Q., Mechanical and electrical characterization of semiconducting ZnOnanorings by direct nano-manipulation. 2012, 101(8): 081910(SCI & EI收录)

Fan H.L., Zhao L., Chen H.L., Kuang N., Yang C.K., Huang S.Q., Ductile deformation mechanisms and designing instructions for integrated woven textile sandwich composites. 2012, 72(12): 1338-1343(SCI & EI收录)

Fu Y.M., Huang Y., Huang S.Q., Interfacial slippage effect on the spontaneous instability of soft thin viscoelastic films. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2011, 81(8): 1075–1085(SCI & EI收录)

Ning Z.H., Liu R.H., Huang S.Q., Lu X.S., Analytical solution of the thermoelasticity problem in a coke drum with cladding. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME. 2011, 133(3): 031201(SCI & EI收录)

Li B., Huang S.Q., Feng X.Q., Buckling and postbuckling of a compressed thin film bonded on a soft elastic layer: A three-dimensional analysis. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2010, 80(2): 175–188(SCI&EI收录)

Fu, Y.M., Huang Y., Huang S.Q., Three-dimensional analysis of the spontaneous instability for soft thin viscoelastic films. Acta Mechanica.2010, 211(3–4): 345–356(SCI & EI收录)

Pan X.H., Huang S.Q., Yu S.W., Feng X.Q., Interfacial slippage effect on the surface instability of a thin elastic film under van der Waals force. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2009, 42: 055302(SCI&EI收录)

Huang S.Q., Li B., Feng X.Q., Three-dimensional analysis of spontaneous surface instability and pattern formation of thin soft films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2008, 103: 083501(SCI&EI收录)

Huang S.Q., Feng X.Q., Spinodal surface instability of soft elastic thin films. ActaMechanicaSinica. 2008, 24(3): 1–8(SCI&EI收录)

Huang S.Q., Zhao H.P., Feng X.Q., Mechanical properties of cocoons constructured consecutively by a single silkworm caterpillar, Bombyxmori. ActaMechanicaSinica. 2008, 24(1): 151–160(SCI & EI收录)

Huang S.Q., Li Q.Y., Feng X.Q., Yu S.W., Pattern instability of a soft elastic thin film under van der Waals forces. Mechanics of Materials, 2006, 38(1): 88–99 (SCI&EI收录)

Liu T.X., Huang S.Q., Fu Y.M.. The Constitutive equation for mixed hardening orthotropic materials. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2003, 24(2): 216–220(SCI收录)

褚晶晶, 齐向东, 秦建增, 黄世清, 叶庆伟, 张宗富, 钟世镇. 颌骨前突畸形三维解剖测量与诊断标准的初步建立. 中国临床解剖学杂志, 2012, 03: 285-287

宋振华, 王志华, 黄世清, 马宏伟. 基于纵向超声导波信号特性的管道损伤检测研究. 机械强度, 2011, 01: 55-61

张劲, 罗奇, 柳大烈, 王竟鹏, 黄世清. 建立下颌角截骨整形手术三维有限元模型. 重庆医学, 2010, 10: 1206-1208

张劲, 罗奇, 王竞鹏, 柳大烈, 黄世清. 下颌骨截骨整形手术三维有限元模型的建立. 中国美容医学, 2010, 03: 344-347

常铁柱, 张清东, 黄世清. 薄宽带钢倾斜浪屈曲变形的解析研究. 力学与实践, 2010, 32(1): 54-59

常铁柱, 张清东, 黄世清. 薄宽带钢横向瓢曲行为的解析研究. 中国机械工程, 2009, 20(18) 2255-2259

刘腾喜, 黄世清, 傅衣铭. 正交各向异性薄板的弹塑性屈曲分析. 力学季刊, 2002. 23(4): 552–557

刘腾喜, 黄世清, 傅衣铭. 正交各向异性板的弹塑性稳定性分析. 湖南大学学报, 2001. 28(4): 54–57

2. 会议论文:

Chen Q.R., Zheng C.Z., Ning X.Q., Liang X.H., Huang S.Q., Multi-level structural characteristics and quasi-static analysis of the Hagia Sophia using finite element method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 777: 59-63.

Zhang X., He J.H., Liang X.H., Huang S.Q., Architectural aesthetics and mechanical behavior of Hagia Sophia. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 638-640: 1971-1974.

Xia J.T., Zhang S.F., Shen H.R., Liu Z.L., Huang S.Q., Monitoring and analysis for the deformation of SMW retaining structures in subway station. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 580-583: 1249-1253.

Su W., Sun Y., Huang S.Q., Liu R.H., Finite element analysis for the mega columns for XRL West Kowloon terminus. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 405–408: 1139–1143.

Su W., Sun Y., Huang S.Q., Liu R.H., Three-dimensional FEM simulation of the ship-bridge collision. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 405–408: 3243–3247.

Su W., Xiang Y., Jiang Y.F., Huang S.Q., Liu R.H., Quasi-static out-plane compression of hollow integrated sandwich composite. The Third International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing. Dalian, China, 24–15 August 2013.

Wang J.R., Lv X.G., Huang S.Q., Wu Y.M., Chen Q., Theoretical analysis of equivalent elastic modulus of corrugated paperboard. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 200: 243–248.

Zhao L., Fan H.L., Huang S.Q., Out-of-plane compression and impact of woven textile sandwich composites. The Third International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation, Guilin, China, July 31–August 02, 2012.

Wang B., Liu R.H., Wang F., Huang S.Q., Research on the Training of Innovative Talents Specialized in Mechanics. Conference on Creative Education (CCE 2011). 2011: 174-177

戴杰涛, 张清东, 黄世清, 秦剑. 冷轧过程中薄宽带钢纵向浪形研究. 第十届国际轧钢大会,北京, 2010.9.15-17.

Feng X.Q., Huang S.Q., Theoretical analysis of the spontaneous surface instability for thin soft elastic films. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. 2008: 491–495(ISTP&EI收录)

Xiang, H., Fu, Y.M., Huang, S.Q., Creep-buckling of general hexagonal honeycombs under biaxial compression. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. 2008: 900–904(ISTP&EI收录)